Sunday, August 22, 2010

Vermont 'til the Moose Come Home

In case you haven't peeked out your window yet today, the entire Northeast is covered in rain.
Oh well.  The perfect day for some soup and blogging, and dreams of a sunnier time...

Like earlier this week, when it was sunny and a perfect 75 degrees.  The day was lovely and Erin was off, so we pulled on our fave bohemian digs and headed to Vermont.  Bennington, to be exact.

Erin snapping a pic with the hippie Moose.

The drive was quick (< an hour) and scenic.  When we arrived, we decided we first needed a bathroom break and then some lunch.  We had our choice of natural, sustainable, organic cafes to choose from (this was Vermont, after all).

We decided to eat here, for no reason really, except that it was close and we really had to go...

But it was a good choice!  It was cute, and our lunches were cheap and delish.

Lots and lots of loose teas.

Grilled cheese with homemade bread and real Vermont cheddar.

After lunch, we walked around a bit, checked out an independent bookstore, and bought some cupcakes from a crazy Russian lady.

We had a small set-back when we accidentally invaded the Maplebrook Farm cheese factory that did NOT give tours (unless you barged in the door like we did... oops!), but ended up finding a little market that not only sold Maplebrook, but made their own cheese and meats.

These cheese bites only lasted a day... they were that good.  Especially after seeing how they were made... accidentally.

By now we had witnessed all of Bennington's attractions, so we headed out of town for some berry pickin'.   It was quiet and peaceful in the fields,  a relaxing way to end the afternoon.

The bounty.

Sorry, Erin.

This was another fun trip that isn't too far from home.  And we got to eat local food, right from the source!  The berries were amazing in yogurt and on top of homemade waffles this morning :)

Next stop... Burlington?

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