Monday, November 8, 2010


Baby, it's coooold outside, so let's turn on the oven!

After driving home in the snow, some yummy roasted goodness sounded perfect.  I had farmers market potatoes, split chicken breasts, aaaand a new veggie... brussel sprouts!!

I've never had them before, and you may be nay-ing them right now, but I went with my theory that if you pour olive oil, salt and pepper on anything and then roast it, it's usually delicious.

So that's what I did.  I chopped up my veggies....

...and mixed them in a pan with a breast of chicken.  All were drizzled with olive oil, sea salt, pepper, sage and thyme (sea salt and herbs from the co-op... a great place to get inexpensive spices and herbs).

Then into the oven it goes at 375 degrees for about half an hour.  Stir up your veggies a couple times so they don't burn.

Then enjoy :)

Hopefully that warms you up!  One pan meals are pretty easy.  The potatoes were all buttery, and the chicken was a little crispy.  And the verdict is.... sprouts are pretty good roasted!  The ones at the bottom were all salty and caramelized with the onions.  Told you: salt, olive oil and high heat can make anything tasty.

Now...... dessert?

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